
1326 - PEEK Tubing Kit

Our Biocompatible, PEEK Tubing Kit is optimized for use in high-pressure applications. Its distinct materials make it inert to most solvents and give it a smooth internal surface that improves the resolution of sample bands. We have developed a variety of color options for easy coding and identification. It Includes (2) 1531B PEEK Tubing, .010″ ID x 1/16″ OD x 5′, blue, (2) 1532 PEEK Tubing, .020″ ID x 1/16″ OD x 5′, orange, (2) 1534 PEEK Tubing, .062″ ID x 1/8″ OD x 5′, natural and (1) A-327 Polymer Tubing Cutter.


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Categorie: Instrumentele analyse
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